This monthly newsletter is intended to keep IUGG Members and individual scientists informed about the activities of the Union, its Associations and interdisciplinary bodies, and the actions of the IUGG Secretariat, Bureau, and Executive Committee. Past issues are posted on the IUGG website. E-Journals may be forwarded to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments are welcome.
1. IUGG – The People at the Forefront (XXI)
2. IUGG – Committees for the 28th IUGG General Assembly appointed
3. IUGG – Symposia Support 2022
4. IACS-IAMAS-IAPSO Symposia Series 2021 – Report
5. 4th Congress of China Geodesy and Geophysics – Report
6. IAHS Scientific Assembly 2022 – Announcement
7. IPCC – Sixth Assessment Report
8. ISC – Annual Report 2020
9. Awards and Honours
10. Jubilee
11. Obituaries
12. Meeting Calendar
5. 4th Congress of China Geodesy and Geophysics – Report
From 17 to 21 July 2021, the 4th Congress of China Geodesy and Geophysics (CCGG) was successfully held in Qingdao, China. The 4th CCGG was sponsored by the Chinese National Committee for International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (CNC- IUGG) and organised by the China University of Petroleum (HUADONG).
The theme of the 4th CCGG was "Maritime Silk Road and Earth System Sciences". 15 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, and more than 3,300 scientists and students from over 300 universities and research institutions from all over the country gathered in the beautiful seashore city of Qingdao to exchange their scientific achievements, ideas and visions.
Jun Xia, President of CNC-IUGG and member of the IUGG Bureau delivered a welcome speech at the Opening Ceremony. Kathryn Whaler, IUGG President and Chris Rizos, IUGG President-Elect delivered keynote speeches via pre-recorded videos. Nine keynote presentations were delivered by eminent scientists from China and abroad. The 4th CCGG Excellent Student Paper Award was presented to 10 students at the Opening Ceremony.
Speech from Kathryn Whaler, IUGG President, at the Opening Ceremony of the 4th CCGG
34 scientific sessions were organised, and over 700 oral and 300 poster presentations were selected after a peer-review process, which covered such topics as the cryospheric sciences, geodesy, geomagnetism and aeronomy, hydrology, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, seismology, volcanology and interdisciplinary sciences, which reflected the latest achievements and progress made in Earth science in China over the past two years.
Jun Xia, CNC-IUGG President
Yamin Dang, CNC-IUGG Secretary General
More information can be found here: IUGGej2109.pdf