

The IUGGElectronic Journal

Volume 21 No. 1(1 January 2021)

This monthlynewsletter is intended to keep IUGG Members and individual scientists informedabout the activities of the Union, its Associations and interdisciplinarybodies, and the actions of the IUGG Secretariat, Bureau, and ExecutiveCommittee. Past issues are posted on the IUGG website. EJournals may beforwarded to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments arewelcome.


1. Season’s Greetings

2. IUGG – The Peopleat the Forefront (XV)

3. IUGG Membership andFinancial Situation 2021

4. IUGG Yearbook 2021

5. IUGG co-organisesthe International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development

6. IACS-IAPSO JointCommission on Ice-Ocean Interactions

7. IACS Early-CareerScientist Awards – Call for Nominations

8. IACS SurveyResults: Are IUGG General Assemblies too long?

9. IAGA Calls forSubmissions “Coupling Processes in Terrestrial and Planetary Atmospheres”

10. Meeting Calendar

1. Season’s Greetings

The IUGG ExecutiveCommittee and the IUGG Secretariat thank the Adhering Bodies and NationalCommittees, Union Associations and Union Commissions as well as all othergroups and individuals who helped make the challenging year 2020 productive,and those who contributed to strengthening international scientific cooperationin Earth and space sciences for the benefit of society.

We wish you happiness,health and great success in 2021. 2

2. IUGG – The Peopleat the Forefront (XV)

Mioara Mandea,President of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA),2019-2023

At present, I am theProgramme Manager for Solid Earth at the Directorate for Innovation,Applications, and Science of the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales – CNES, theFrench Space Agency – in Paris. In this role I provide technical, management,and strategic leadership in a wide variety of scientific projects based on theuse of space missions’ data. As for my educational background, I firstgraduated in Geology and Geophysical Engineering from the University ofBucharest, Romania. I then pursued my first PhD at the University of Bucharestin “Geophysics and Geophysical Prospecting” (1993), and my second PhD at theInstitut de Physique du Globe de Paris in “Internal Geophysics” (1996). I thenreceived the “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” (HDR) from the UniversityParis VII (2001). Though my studies, and my career thereafter, have driven mearound Europe, my fascination for planetary magnetic fields has always remainedconstant.

From those first fiveyears at the University of Bucharest, I obtained an in-depth knowledge not onlyof the principles of geology and geophysics, but also of the education,science, and engineering culture of the former Eastern Bloc countries – nationswhich are poised to become major players in the future scientific developmentof the world. With this preparation, I had leapt into the competitive world ofgeophysical surveying.

1989 – the year ofincredible political change in Europe – gave me the opportunity to move to theInstitut de Physique du Globe de Paris. My first contact with Frenchuniversities (Paris VII, Rennes) convinced me that new technologies are crucialto the advancement of teaching and science. During those years in Paris, withthis thought in mind, I began my extensive engagement with magneticobservations. My involvement with the daily operational activity of the Chambonla Forêt Observatory was carried out alongside the supervision of a number ofMaster and PhD students, and included research based on magnetic data fromground-based and satellite measurements. My geomagnetic field research wasexpanded to include planetary physics.

Though I have spent myentire life in Europe, I have always considered that is not possible to calloneself a full European citizen without being familiar with the educational,working, and living systems of a few EU countries. A move to Germany in 2005afforded me the opportunity to experience more of our continent’s broad rangeof cultures. There I served as a Professor at Braunschweig University and Headof the “Physics of the Earth” Department in the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam -German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ). In that time, I was able to enjoysharing science and life. I taught and supervised PhD students, manageddifferent contracts and cooperative agreements, and had responsibilities in thegeoscientific community at both a European and international scale.

In 2009, I moved backto France, for new adventures. With a fascination for the far-away Nordiclandscape – and space, which lurked much farther – I became Deputy Director atthe European Center for the Arctic – Université de VersaillesSaint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, for a few months. This was then followed by a moveto CNES in 2011.

So, I changed from onecountry to another – and changed my name too, from Alexandrescu to Mandea!

Had I but one line tosum up my past and current research, I suppose I could say only that I am ageophysicist involved primarily in measuring, mapping, and understanding themultitude of magnetic fields encountered in space near the Earth and Earth-likeplanets.

Throughout my career,I have concentrated my work in a few main directions:

i. I have participatedin general efforts to measure the Earth's magnetic field, from ground to space.

ii. I have developedmy own research, driven by my interest in modelling the core magnetic field andits temporal variations (with a special emphasis on geomagnetic jerks), as wellas in investigating other field contributions (i.e. lithospheric and externalfields).

iii. I have usedgeomagnetic information to determine the physical properties of the deepEarth's interior (with special studies on the lower mantle conductivity andfluid motions at the coremantle boundary).

iv. I have consideredthat the Earth's magnetism should be studied in the context of Planetarymagnetism and in the broader domain of geophysics.

v. Planetary magnetismstudies are very “attractive”; however, my scientific research has also revolvedaround some other geophysical domains, such as gravity fields.

vi. Finally, as ageophysicist, my interest includes a wider range of topics, mainly related tothe solid Earth’s observation from space.

I am of the opinionthat doing science is a vocation to be shared with others – both colleagues andstudents. The students I have worked with (for their internship or their PhDs)have performed well, gone on to obtain good qualifications, and come back withpleasure to discuss geophysics and other matters. I have also considered thatit is our duty to work for our community, and have therefore dedicated myselfto many activities that serve the community. Of these, I would first like tomention my involvement in IUGG/IAGA. My first major IUGG meeting was in Viennain 1991, where I was very impressed by the meeting and the people Iencountered. I realised that IAGA and IUGG are more than just conferences, andhave found myself participating in different Business Meetings ever since. Fromthese, I have come to understand the context of my research within the broadercommunity, and have had the opportunity to discuss science in more informalsettings. All these have motivated me to increase my involvement in IAGAactivities. Consequently, I found myself elected to a number of positions:chair of the Working Group V-8, today named V-MOD (1999-2003); cochair ofDivision V (2003-2007); member of the Executive Committee (2007-2009);Secretary General (2009-2019), and President of IAGA since 2019. My service to theIAGA community will cover two full solar cycles by the time my Presidentialmandate will finish!

Secondly, I would liketo underline that I have also undertaken other community service, mainly forthe European Geosciences Union. To identify a few: I have been electedPresident of Earth Magnetism and Rock Physics Division (2007-2011), SecretaryGeneral (2012-2016), and chair of the Outreach Committee since 2018. I shouldalso mention my role of chair of the Education Award Committee of AmericanGeophysical Union (2010-2012), Chair of the Science Committee – InternationalSpace Science Institute (2016-2019), and President of the Geophysical MapsCommission of the Commission for the Geological Map of the World since 2008.

I have learnt a greatdeal from these activities, and am exceedingly grateful for the manner in whichmy experiences within these various capacities have aided in building myscientific career. I have been honoured for my research through various awards,such as the Van Straelen prize (French Geological Society), the Hepites prize(Romanian Academy), the International Award of AGU, and the Petrus PeregrinusMedal of EGU. I am also a Titular Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists,a Member of the Academia Europaea, a Member of the Royale Académie de Belgique,and a member of the Russian Academy of Science. I have also received theprestigious French title of “Chevalier – Ordre National du Mérite”, and havebeen declared an Honorary Citizen of Comanesti, my native town in Romania.

The time dedicated tothe IAGA activities has been a wonderful occasion for me to experience thecontinuous growth of the association, involving scientists from all over theworld and attracting more motivated young scientists with each passing year.During the course of my term as IAGA President, I would like to enhance twomain directions for future activities: to promote IAGA and its members to thelarger scientific community – by disseminating geomagnetism and aeronomyinformation beyond our community – and to ensure a wider dissemination of ouractivities to the new generation of scientists, politicians, economists, andother decision-makers. I look forward to my time as IAGA President, and I hopethat we can come together to maintain and strengthen the association and theIUGG.

3. IUGG Membership andFinancial Situation 2021

As of 1 January 2021,IUGG has 73 National Members including 58 countries in paying status. Thepaying members are placed in categories from 1 to 14 depending on theirfinancial contribution to the Union (the membership dues rise with increasingcategory number). At present, the highest category is category 11. The memberspay dues according to the number of units assigned to their category (incategory 1 the number of units is 1, and in category 11 the number is 35).Following a decision made at the XXII IUGG General Assembly (Boulder, USA,1995), the price of 1 unit is determined every year using an inflator indexobtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. In2021, the price of 1 unit will be US$2,080. The 58 paying members represent atotal of 276 units, which is equivalent to a total income of US$574,080. Thefunds received as dues are the basis for IUGG’s operations as a scientificunion, although Union Associations may have their own funds earned through booksales, donations, or other means. The funds are spent to support: (i)scientific activities of Union Associations and Commissions; (ii) internationalscientific programs, projects and services; (iii) general and scientificassemblies, symposia, workshops, and schools; (iv) the IUGG Grants Program; (v)the International Lithosphere Program; (vi) the International Science Council;(vii) travel of students, early career scientists, and scientists fromdeveloping countries to attend scientific meetings; and (viii) administrationand management.

Niels Andersen, IUGG Treasurer

4. IUGG Yearbook 2021

The IUGG Yearbook 2021is now available. Thanks to the National Committees, the Associations andCommissions for helping to update the information in the Yearbook! During 2021,updates on addresses and other information in the Yearbook should be sent to theIUGG Secretariat as soon as they are known. Our aim is to update the Yearbookas needed throughout the year.

5. IUGG co-organisesthe International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development

On 15 December 2020, the IUGG signed aMemorandum of Understanding with the International Union of Pure and AppliedPhysics (IUPAP) to coorganise the International Year of Basic Sciences forSustainable Development (IYBSSD) as a Founding Union.

It is intended thatIYBSSD will be organised in 2022, under the aegis of UNESCO and with thecollaboration of UNESCO International Basic Sciences Programme (IBSP). Multiplescientific organisations support this initiative as Founding Unions orPartners.

During IYBSSD, therewill be several international events organised by Founding Unions and FoundingPartners, with the aim to promote the role of basic sciences in the achievementof the United Nations ‘Sustainable Development Goals’. We encourage anyone withan idea (or already ongoing project) that could fit within the scope of IYBSSDto apply for a grant. There will also be communication actions at variousscales, and incentives for local, regional and national organizations to set uptheir own events with the same aim.

More information aboutIYBSSD can be found here.

6. IACS-IAPSO JointCommission on Ice-Ocean Interactions

IACS and IAPSO arepleased to announce the establishment of a new Joint Commission with a focus onice-ocean interactions. Oceandriven mass loss from the Antarctic and GreenlandIce Sheets is projected to increase as a result of climate change, withbroad-scale impacts on sea level rise, ocean circulation and heat content, icesheet dynamics, and ecosystems. However, the processes of iceocean exchangeremain poorly understood, and poorly resolved by the numerical ocean and icesheet models used to project scenarios of climate change.

This Joint Commissionaims to address these knowledge gaps by providing a framework to reconcilenumerical model estimates of ocean-driven ice mass loss with observations andevaluate projections of ice melt.

The Joint Commissionwill develop ties with international working groups to exchange knowledge andengage with the wider ice-ocean research community. This will include groupsundertaking model intercomparisons of ice-ocean interactions and developingbroad-scale observational networks in Antarctica and Greenland.

The working group isco-chaired by Dr. Isabel Nias (IACS) and Dr. Felicity McCormack (IAPSO). Formore information on how to contribute, please contact Dr. Nias or Dr.McCormack.

7. IACS Early-CareerScientist Awards – Call for Nominations

The IACS Early CareerScientist Prize is awarded to two nominated early career scientists who areassessed as having published the best scientific papers on a cryosphericsubject during the calendar years 2019 or 2020. The award is a cash prize ofEUR 1,000 plus a certificate, which will be awarded in 2021. Nomination formand guidelines are found on the IACS webpage. Nomination deadline is 1 February2021.

8. IACS SurveyResults: Are IUGG General Assemblies too long?

IUGG GeneralAssemblies are significantly longer (11 days in Montreal) than otherinternational conferences which typically last not more than 5 days. Thescientific program of most IUGG Associations only spans periods of 5 to 6 days,but the program is staggered with typically only 2 days of overlap among allAssociations, and IUGG business meetings stretch over the entire length of theAssembly.

IACS conducted anonline survey among its National Correspondents to inquire about their views onthe length of the IUGG General Assemblies and whether or not the current model(which requires them to stay beyond the period of the IACS scientific program)has affected their attendance at Business Meetings. The survey was sent to 49Correspondents in spring 2020. Two thirds responded, 57% indicated that theyalso are or have been an IUGG National Delegate.

More than 90% of the32 respondents favour a shortening of the Assembly length planned for Berlin in2023 to 8 days or less. Almost 70% favour a reduction to 7 days. Furthermore,more than 71% of respondents did not participate in Business Meetings they weresupposed to attend despite attending part of the Assembly. Hence resultsindicate that Assembly length has negatively affected attendance of theDelegates in Business Meetings.

The survey supportsthe unanimous view of the IACS Bureau that IUGG Assemblies should be furtherreduced in length, not only to enhance the experience for the participantsthrough larger overlap of the scientific program but also to increaseparticipation of National Delegates in IUGG Business Meetings. Similar surveysamong the other Associations´ National Delegates could reveal howrepresentative the IACS results are within IUGG.

9. IAGA Calls forSubmissions “Coupling Processes in Terrestrial and Planetary Atmospheres”

Frontiers in Astronomyand Space Sciences has launched a new Research Topic in “Coupling Processes inTerrestrial and Planetary Atmospheres”. We would like you to participate bysubmitting your research. Accepted article types are: original research,methods, commentary, review, mini review, hypothesis and theory, data report,and brief research report.

Theatmosphere-ionosphere system on Earth and also on other studied planets iscontrolled by upward propagating waves of various spatiotemporal scales frombelow, and by solar and magnetic effects, i.e., space weather effects fromabove. In order to better understand the structure and evolution of the middleand upper atmospheres both coupling processes should be taken into account.

Our Research Topicfocuses on various coupling processes in terrestrial and planetary atmospheresfrom the lower atmosphere to the thermosphere-ionosphere, especially regardingmulti-scale wave coupling phenomena. New measurements, numerical modelling, andtheoretical results are encouraged, including electrodynamical and chemicalstudies.

The overarching goalof this Research Topic is to better understand the various dynamical,thermodynamical, and electrodynamical interaction processes in terrestrial andplanetary atmospheres. Research results pertaining to comparative planetologyin the context of coupling processes are also relevant to this Research Topic.

In particular, studiesin the following areas and topics are most welcome:

- General circulationmodeling and numerical modelling.

- Observation ofEarth's middle and upper atmospheres, e.g., via radars, lidars, GPS-TEC,satellites.

- Global structure,variability, and sources of gravity waves, planetary-Rossby waves, Kelvinwaves, and solar tides.

- Ion-neutral couplingand plasma dynamics.

-Ionosphere-thermosphere-mesosphere response to lower and middle atmospherevariability and disturbances.

- Travellingatmospheric and ionospheric disturbances.

- Wave generation(primary & secondary) and propagation effects in the neutral and ionisedatmosphere. - Remote sensing of terrestrial and planetary atmospheres. Forexample, among others, recent results from MAVEN, New Horizon, and ExoMARS,GOLD and ICON.

- Sudden stratosphericwarmings.

- Radiate transfer,radiative processes, cloud formation.

Deadline forsubmissions: 15 February 2021

Topic editors: Erdal Yiğit, HermannLühr, Alexander S. Medvedev, William Ward, Sonal Jain More information can befound here.

Erdal Yiğit, Co-chair of WGII-C:Meteorological Effects on the Ionosphere,

IAGA Division II – AeronomicPhenomena
