The IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 15 No. 9 (1 September 2015)


The IUGG Electronic Journal

Volume 15 No. 9 (1 September 2015)

This informal newsletter is intended to keep IUGG Member National Committees informed about the activities of the IUGG Associations, and actions of the IUGG Secretariat. Past issues are posted on the IUGG website ( Please forward this message to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments are welcome.


1. National Reports

2. IUGG General Assembly highlighted in EOS

3. News from the International Council for Science (ICSU)

4. Awards and Honors

5. Meeting calendar

1. National Reports

National Reports of activities in geodesy and geophysics are requested from IUGG Adhering Bodies before each quadrennial General Assembly. These reports are useful to reference the expertise resident in each country and the unique opportunities for research and collaboration that may be available. National Reports have been received from Argentina, Brazil, Croatia, France, Hungary, India, Japan, Romania, Russia, the Slovak Republic, Switzerland, Thailand, and Turkey. If digitally available, the reports are posted on the IUGG website:

2. IUGG General Assembly highlighted in EOS

Several articles have been published after the IUGG General Assembly by Randy Showstack, Senior Editor of EOS, Earth & Space Science News of the American Geophysical Union, who attended the assembly in Prague. The articles are as follows:

New Commission Aims to Protect Volcanic Geoheritage. Volcanic landscapes and regions provide valuable opportunities for scientific research, education, and sustainable geotourism, in addition to iconic scenery. The full article can be found at:

Global Research Push Urged on Environmental Disruption, Extremes. Seven resolutions by the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics call for increased scientific contributions in areas ranging from environmental threats to energy resources to satellite systems. The full article can be found at:

Weak Shaking Lessened Nepal Earthquake Impact. Modest ground motion for such a big quake and some prior training in earthquake preparedness averted worse death and destruction, earthquake scientists say. The full article can be found at:

Geoscientists: Focus More on Societal Concerns. The unprecedented toll from a powerful tsunami shocked a theoretical geophysicist, now an international geoscience organization leader, into action and advocacy to use science to aid society. The full article can be found at:

In addition, EOS published a report on the IAGA Project MAGNIO supported by IUGG and ICSU entitled “Making the Northern Indian Ocean a Hub of Geomagnetic Data”:

3. News from the International Council for Science (ICSU)

Nominations for the COSPAR Awards

The ICSU Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) bestows a number of medals and awards, in some cases jointly with other scientific institutions or space agencies. Nominations are open and must be received before 30 November 2015. More information can be found at the ICSU website:

Nominations for the WDS Data Stewardship Award

The call for nominations for the 2015 WDS Data Stewardship Award is open. The deadline for nominations is 7 September 2015. The winner will be announced in autumn 2015, and will be presented with the 2015 Award and a prize at SciDataCon 2016. Details of the call, including the nomination form, can be found

4. Awards and Honors


Hubert, IUGG Bureau Member, received a Life Time Achievement Award from the National Geophysical Research Institute in Hyderabad (NGRI) and the Association of Hydrologists of India (AHI) for his outstanding contributions to the field of global hydrology.

Giuliano F. Panza (University of Trieste, Italy), President of the Italian National Committee for IUGG, has been designated as Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic. The honor cites Panza’s outstanding, internationally recognized scientific achievements related to geophysics and seismology.

Congratulations to Giuliano and Pierre!

5. Meeting calendar

A calendar of meetings of interest to IUGG disciplines (especially those organized by IUGG Associations) is posted on the IUGG website ( Individual Associations also list more meetings on their websites according to their disciplines.


- 7-11, SCOR, Kiel, Germany, SOLAS Open Science Conference. Web:

7-12, URSI, Oxford, UK, Metamaterials 2015 - The Ninth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics. Web:

13-19, SCAR, Gibraltar Island, Lake Erie, USA, 2015 Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Training School. Web:

15-17, IAHS, ESA, Frascati, Italy, Third Space for Hydrology Workshop. Surface Water Storage and Runoff: Modelling, In-Situ data and Remote Sensing. Web:

20-24, IUSS, Göttingen, Germany, 5th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter. Web:

21-23, ILP, Potsdam, Germany, 35 years of ILP. Celebrate Excellence in Solid Earth Sciences.

23-26, IUSS, Kiel, Germany, International Congress on the occasion of the International Year of Soils 2015. Web:

28-30, SCOSTEP, WDS, Tokyo, Japan. Workshop on ‘Global Data Activities for the Study of Solar-Terrestrial Variability’. Web:

28 September –2

October, ISPRS, Montpellier - La Grande Motte, France, ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015. Web:


- 5-9, ILP, Tokyo, Japan, 10th Workshop of the International Lithosphere Program. ILP Sedimentary Basin 2015 Tokyo. Web:

12-25, IAVCEI, Olot, Spain, 4th International Course on Volcanology (in Spanish). Web:

13-15, EAGE, Celle, Germany, 3rd EAGE Sustainable Earth Sciences Conference ‘Use of the Deep Sub-Surface to Serve the Energy Transition’. Web:

13-16, IAHS, GEO, UNESCO, WMO, Koblenz, Germany, International Conference “Water Resources Assessment & Seasonal Prediction”. Web:


30, IAHS, Hammamet, Tunisia, International Conference on African Large River Basins Hydrology. Web:

27-29, SCAR, WDS, Ontario, Canada, Polar Data Forum II “International Collaboration for Advancing Polar Data Access and Preservation”. Web:


1-4, UNESCO, IUGS, IGCP, Wellington, New Zealand, 7th international symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Web:

2-6, IUGG, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. Conference “Future Earth and Space Science and Education (Future ESSE)”. Web:

9-13, COSPAR, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 2nd COSPAR Symposium. Water and Life in the Universe. Web:, GEO, Mexico City, Mexico. GEO-XII Plenary and Ministerial Summit. Web:

End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 15 Number 9 (1 September 2015)

Editors: Tom Beer, Alik Ismail-Zadeh (Editor-in-Chief), Franz Kuglitsch (Associate Editor), and Kathryn Whaler.
