The IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 15 No. 7A (15 July 2015)



The IUGG Electronic Journal

Volume 15 No. 7A (15 July 2015)

Special Issue

This special issue of the E-Journal is dedicated to the outcomes of the 26th IUGG General Assembly held from 22 June to 2 July in Prague, Czech Republic. This issue is being sent to the addresses used for previous issues. Over the next few weeks, the distribution lists will be revised to include new IUGG Association Officers and Council Delegates of the 26th General Assembly in Prague.

Past issues are posted on the IUGG website ( Please forward this message to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments are welcome.


1. Council Meeting at the 26th IUGG General Assembly

2. Bureau and Finance Committee Members for 2015-2019

3. Association Presidents and Secretaries General for 2015-2019

4. Officers of Union Commissions and the Working Group on History (2015-2019)

5. Union Budget for 2016-2019

6. Location of the 2019 IUGG General Assembly

7. Liaison Officers (2015-2019) to the international and intergovernmental organizations

8. Resolutions

1.Council Meeting at the 26th IUGG General Assembly

The Council Meeting was held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 22 to 29 June 2015. At three sessions of the meeting, the Council delegates representing 49 Member countries discussed important topics and approved the following decisions:

- All matters of membership were ratified: admission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Nicaragua as Regular National Members; admission of six international organizations as Affiliate Members; transfer of Albania, Armenia and Bosnia & Herzegovina to Associate Members; transfer of Costa Rica from Associate to Regular membership.

- All proposed changes to the Statutes and By-Laws were approved. Among them, (i) permanent delegates to IUGG Council, and (ii) individual scientists and their eligibility for election. The Adhering Bodies of Member Counties shall appoint Delegates to Council for the period between General Assemblies, so that the Council can vote electronically to make decisions as soon as the need arises. This will make IUGG more vibrant in terms of decision making. Scientists from any country are now eligible to hold various positions within IUGG family with the following exceptions: positions in the Bureau and the Finance Committee, and the positions of Presidents of the Associations, which can only be held by scientists from Member Countries.

2- The Union Strategic Plan for 2016-2023 was endorsed. It will be developed further together with an implementation plan to be approved by the Council in the nearest future.

- New IUGG and Association Officers were elected (see item 2).

- Official IUGG Liaisons to various intergovernmental and international scientific bodies were appointed (see item 5).

- The budget for 2016-2019 was approved.

- Montréal, Canada, was selected as the venue for the 27th IUGG General Assembly in 2019.

- Eight resolutions have been passed.

At the third session of the 2015 Council Meeting: Adoption of resolutions

2. Bureau and Finance Committee Members for 2015-2019

President: Michael Sideris (Canada)

Vice President: Kathryn Whaler (UK)

Secretary General: Alik Ismail-Zadeh (Germany/Russia)

Treasurer: Aksel W. Hansen (Denmark)

Members: Isabelle J. Ansorge (South Africa), Pierre Hubert (France), Chris Rizos (Australia)

The Finance Committee Members are David Collins (U.K.), Jan Krynski (Poland), Corinna Risso (Argentina), and Virendra Tiwari (India). The Committee selected David Collins as their Chair.

3. Association Presidents and Secretaries General for 2015-2019

The officers of the Union Associations are reported below.

International Association of Cryospheric Sciences

President: Charles Fierz (Switzerland)

President-Elect: Regine Hock (USA)

Secretary General: Andrew Mackintosh (New Zealand)

International Association of Geodesy

President: Harald Schuh (Germany)

Secretary General: Hermann Drewes (Germany)

International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

President: Eduard Petrovsky (Czech Republic)

Secretary General: Mioara Mandea (France)

International Association of Hydrological Sciences

President: Hubert Savenije (The Netherlands)

President-Elect: Günter Blöschl (Austria)

Secretary General: Christophe Cudennec (France)

International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences

President: John Turner (UK)

Secretary General: Teruyuki Nakajima (Japan)

International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans

President: Denise Smythe-Wright (UK)

Secretary General: Stefania Sparnocchia (Italy)

International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior

President: Thorne Lay (USA)

Secretary General: Johannes Schweitzer (Norway)

International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior

President: Donald B. Dingwell (Germany)

Secretary General: Roberto Sulpizio (Italy)

4. Officers of Union Commissions and the Working Group on History (2015-2019)

The officers of the Union Commissions and WGH are reported below.Union Commission on Climatic and Environmental Changes (CCEC)

Chair: Tom Beer (Australia)

Secretary General: Keith Alverson (USA/Kenya)

Union Commission on Geophysical Risk and Sustainability (GeoRisk)

Chair: Joan Marti (Spain)

Secretary General: Paula Dunbar (USA)

Union Commission on Mathematical Geophysics (CMG)

Chair: Yehuda Ben Zion (USA)

Secretary General: Ilya Zaliapin (USA)

Union Commission on Studies of Earth’s Deep Interior (SEDI)

Chair: Jonathan Aurnou (USA)

Secretary General: Michael Bergman (USA)

Union Working Group on History (WGH)

Chair: Hans Volkert (Germany)

Vice Chair: Claude Boucher (France)

5. Union Budget for 2016-2019

The activities of IUGG are based on payment of membership dues plus other direct and indirect contributions. IUGG has 70 members, 60 of them are Regular members and paying dues. The annual amount of dues is about US$ 500K (the budget is in US$; K means thousands). Expected balance on 1 January 2016 is ~ 500K. Income in the period of 2016-2019 is estimated to be 2,178K, therefore, ~2,678K in total. Planned expenditures is 2,201K, and hence an expected balance on 31 December 2019 would be ~477K. A half of IUGG funds goes to Union Associations (1,059K), the remaining part to Union commissions (164K), IUGG Grants Programme and support of scientific meetings (140K), International programs and relations (160K), Outreach and Education Program (80K), administration (492K), and travel grants (100K).

6. Location of the 2015 IUGG General Assembly

The IUGG Council selected Montréal (Canada) as the site of the 2019 IUGG General Assembly. The exact dates of the 27th IUGG General Assembly will be announced soon.

7. Liaison Officers (2015-2019) to the international and intergovernmental organizations

The Council approved the following Liaison officers (Principal Liaisons are marked by bold)

Organization Liaison (country)

ICSU Committee on Data for Science and Technology


Alexei D. GVISHIANI (Russia)

Bernd RICHTER (Germany)

ICSU Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)

Andrew W. YAU (Canada)

Geoffrey BLEWITT (USA)

ICSU Regional Office for Africa (ROA) Isabelle ANSORGE (South Africa)

ICSU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) Sukanta ROY (India)

ICSU Regional Office for Latin America and the

Caribbean (ROLAC)

Jaime U. FUCUGAUCHI (Mexico)

ICSU Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research


Ian ALLISON (Australia)

ICSU Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research


ICSU Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics  (SCOSTEP) Vladimir KUZNETSOV (Russia)
ICSU World Data System (WDS) Aude CHAMBODUT (France)

The United Nations Geospatial Information Section

(formerly Cartographic Section)

Hermann DREWES (Germany)

UNESCO International Hydrological Program


Christophe CUDENNEC (France)
Georg KASER (Austria)

UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic

Commission (UNESCO-IOC)

Stefania SPARNOCCHIA (Italy)
Eugene MOROZOV (Russia)

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)



ICSU-ISSC-UNISDR Scientific Committee on Integrated

Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR)

Harsh GUPTA (India)

WMO-ICSU-IOC World Climate Research Programme


Tom BEER (Australia)

Richard ESSERY (UK)

Consultative Committee for Time and Frequency (CCTF)

Richard BIANCALE (France)

Claude BOUCHER (France)

Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH) Laura SANCHEZ (Germany)

World Meteorological Organization (WMO), incl. the

Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)

Arthur ASKEW (Switzerland)

Xiao CUNDE (China)


Christophe CUDENNEC (France)



Group on Earth Observations (GEO)

Alik ISMAIL-ZADEH (Germany)

Claude BOUCHER (France)

Mioara MANDEA (France)

Peter FOX (USA) Hansjörg KUTTERER



8. Resolutions

The Council approved 8 Resolutions as listed below. The text of the Resolutions will be posted on the IUGG website as soon as possible.

- Role of Ocean in Climate

- Future Satellite Gravity and Magnetic Mission Constellations

- Global Geodetic Reference Frame

- Real-time GNSS Augmentation of the Tsunami Early Warning System

- Geo-energy Resources

- Geoscience co-operation

- International Scientific Activities and Cooperation

- A Resolution of Thanks

End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 15 Number 7 (15 July 2015)

Editor-in-Chief: Alik Ismail-Zadeh, Secretary General (

Associate Editor: Franz Kuglitsch, Asssitant Secretary General / Executive Secretary (

Editors: Tom Beer (Australia) and Kathy Whaler (UK)

Note: Contributions to IUGG E-Journal are welcome from members of the IUGG family. Please send your contributions to Alik Ismail-Zadeh by e-mail (insert in Subject line: contribution to E-Journal). The contributions will be reviewed and may be shortened.